Friday, July 14, 2006


dear sirs ....
it`s our pleasure in SALAMTRO CAFE 2 c our dear clients r comin back again ....
our cafe is open 24/7 ..... here we talk ,ask 4 some beverages ,or even eat something
well ... btw ...u like shisha???? tofa7a??,kantalob???5oo5???farawla????or even me3asel & 2as ????:D ......
we r here 2 say everything we like & dislike .... i hate smoking & can`t quit .... nt a problem i heard in SALAMTRO CAFE that (el-leb wel sodany )may give ya some help ....
in SALAMTRO cafe there r no diffderence between me & `em .... we say wut we see ONLY ... may b our comments also ....but finally SALAMTRO CAFE is da cafe u used 2 visit .... whereever u live ..sure u `ve found da cafe u like .... & if nt ... blv me SALAMTRO is da best
SALAMTRO CAFE ... is a mix of diffrent cultures ....( ELSALAM CAFE)& ( CILANTRO CAFE)
da first includes ..... students m3fneen, old ppl( fo2 elseteen ya3ni 3l ma3ash), shoes cleaner(masa7 gezam) .... samasrah(gam3 semsar) .... mo5bereen....3omal ....fe2at mo5talefa men elsha3b elkade7 ..
while in da 2nd ... u find other types of ppl .... students NODAF ela 7ad ma(welad nas), engaged guy& gurl , old ppl 2 (NODAF bardo) ....buissness men tryin 2 `ve a drink & talkin about buissness ..... Ahmed Ezz & Nour acting in MALAKY ALEX.
c da diffrence :D.....
SALAMTRO CAFE .... mixed `em all .... so ... it`s a diary from EGYPTIAN 2ahawy


Polka Dotted said...

im so proud to be the first to visit ur humble cafe ...
bas 3andy e3terad... mafish shisha kerez:D
law 3aiz DJ wala 7aga fil cafe eb2a kalemny
why don't u think abt makin this blog a group blog.. some people writing what annoys them the way u mentioned?

anyways.. i wish the SALAMTRO the best of luck and good competition among other cafes ... w ama teshofo 2ollo ;)

كلمه said...

lool ...thnx 4 ur comment ...well ... i made this blog 2 be group blog .... tha stuff is me & elsede3` till now ...
well ... if u like 2 join da stuff of da cafe ... it`ll be my pleasure :D
w 3shan tewaf2y hangeblek shesha kerez :)

Maat said...

fe non-smoking ?????

hehe...dont bother, ba7eb re7et el shisha...
bema2eny shakly keda hab2a a regular yaret te7gezoly a7san tarabeza 3andoko

كلمه said...

feh tab3an non-smokin ... w lw mafeesh ne3melek non-smokin
bas madam bet7eby re7et elshesha
negeblek wa7ed be shesha yeshrab gambek ..loool ...bout a7san trabez .... ta3aly enty bas w mlkesh da3wa ...3andy trabeza TO7FA gamb eltv wel takyeesh :D
eb2y haty nephthys ma3aky YA rab tanbaset

Polka Dotted said...

eshta ya kelma.. ana dayes asasi..
bas enta w sed3' f makan wa7ed... 7ateb2a karsa :D
momken ne3ml korsy wa7ed non smoking 3shan el 7abayeb eli mesh beyeshrabo..
w saneyan t3ala hena.. TV eh eli enta gai te2ol 3alih?!!... e7na eli 7ane3ml fakarat ;) :D LOL... wala a2olak.. tv a7san

Elsede3' said...

a7eb elfakarat, seedy ya seedy
ana 2o2ayed mawdoo3 elfakarat da
we ya mar7ab bel 7abayeb

كلمه said...

send me ur mail or somethin & i`ll send ya da invitaion ...
btw ....aeh 7war elfakarat da????
e7na hanebda2 men awelha tahyees???
konty bet2oly ana w elsede3` fe blog hateb2a karsa .... emal b2a e7na eltlata ....HANE3MEL AEH??

Polka Dotted said...

7ane3ml 3amla:D
yabny ama negteme3 7ayetlobolna el 3abaseya teegy telemenna:D

Veeeva said...

smoking and a non-smoking areas in one place is like urinating and a non-urinating areas in the same swimming pool..

s7ee7 el nas elli 3andohom asthma y3mlo e?

Anonymous said...

fe haga ana mosh fahemha ana 3ayesh bara masr we lama nezelt a7'er mara masr ebtated a shaiesh we kont batlob shisha tofaha bas lama rege3t canada mosh 3aref el tofa7a betkoon apple wala double apple, would realy apriciate eza had gaweb
